Thuraya’s work with I-Real is just one aspect of its leadership in the development of satellite-connected devices. The same technology that carries real-time data on water resources is already used extensively for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications in sectors as diverse as banking, border control, and oil and gas. And, as the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) gathers pace, it will provide the essential satellite overlay required to ensure seamless, uninterrupted connectivity in all locations.

Keeping water resources data flowing in real-time from remote installations
For trekkers and expeditionists like Yakovlev, who frequent distant, harsh, and cold regions, mobile satellite communication is the only method for contact with base camps, family, and friends, ensuring steady connectivity for regular to urgent communication and navigational requirements.
Facilitated by Thuraya’s equipment, Yakovlev was able to go on a number of significant adventures. His trips include an expedition to Armenia and the Armenian areas of Nagorno-Karabakh in May 2017, with an ascent to the 4,085m high Aragats volcano; a June expedition to the Vishersky Nature Reserve, with an ascent to the Tulimsky ridge – the highest point of the Perm region in the Ural Mountains at 1,469m high; an expedition from the Manpupuner plateau to the Mansiysk Pillars – one of the seven wonders of Russia, located in the Urals; an ongoing trip to the Subpolar Urals, with an ascent to Narodnaya and the Manaraga mountains – the highest points in the Urals, offering the region’s most spectacular vistas.