Case studies
Case study
Thuraya helps Shapadu keep Malaysian oilfields operating at peak performance
The importance of the energy sector to the Malaysian economy can be judged from the…
Case study
Thuraya teams with Sahara Conservation Fund to save endangered species
Thuraya terminals and network will play a key role in one of SCF’s most ambitious…
Case study
Pride of Lions 360: Thuraya Broadband Data Solutions
Martin Edström is on a mission to reinvent the way animals are filmed in the…
Case study
Performance of Thuraya satellite broadband and voice communication services in Central Asia
Martin is a photographer and journalist working with immersive and interactive storytelling in virtual reality.…
Case study
Thuraya M2M: Managing and conserving water supplies with I-Real
Thuraya’s work with I-Real is just one aspect of its leadership in the development of…
Case study
Thuraya furthers expeditions into Eurasian hinterlands
Equipped with Thuraya’s XT-PRO DUAL satellite phone, Yakovlev has a seamless voice and internet connectivity…